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Once upon a time, in a call centre far, far away...

Outsourced opens in Seattle, where thirtysomething mid-level manager Todd Anderson (Josh Hamilton) oversees the call centre for Western Novelty, a company selling kitschy knick-knacks. In a ruthless cost-cutting maneuver, Todd’s shark of a boss informs him that Western Novelty is outsourcing the call centre to India. Unless Todd agrees to relocate to India for three to four months to train his replacement, he’ll not only lose his job, but his stock options as well. Grumbling all the way to Bombay, Todd initially makes zero effort to embrace his new home or familiarize himself with India’s rich and varied culture, despite the unfailingly friendly efforts of his replacement, Puro (Asif Basra) to make him comfortable. Over time, however, Todd gradually overcomes his resistance to savour and celebrate the cultural differences between the U.S. and India. Of course, it helps that he has a lovely and spirited tour guide in Asha (Ayesha Dharker), his star employee. Sweet but never saccharine, Outsourced benefits greatly from the pairing of Hamilton and Dharker, whose beguiling workplace romance feels natural, as the film mostly avoids the rank clichés found in the majority of contemporary romantic comedies. More impressively, the filmmakers depict the Indian characters with empathy and respect; they’re as puzzled by Todd as he is by them. Outsourced is a happy surprise. What could have easily been yet another, patronizing fish-out-of-water comedy, about an American yuppie surrounded by zany ethnic stereotypes, turns out to be a smart, low-key charmer. – Tim Knight,
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Directed by: 
John Jeffcoat
Running Time: 
English and Hindi with English subtitles
Josh Hamilton, Ayesha Dharker, Asif Basra, Matt Smith
Screenplay by: 
George Wing, John Jeffcoat

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