Local Independent Filmmaker Michael J. Doyle's LONDON PREMIERE of...
October 19th 915PM - Followed by Cast and Crew Q & A!
At a Halloween Fair, a deaf teenage boy named Dearan crosses paths with an ominous salesman, who sells Dearan a leatherbound journal that writes back to him. Dearan’s longing for connection seems to be nurtured by this newfound love, but when his best friend Ruth begins to suspect the spirit inhabiting the journal has nefarious intentions, the fate of Dearan is called into question and the race to save him begins!
**This film contains sequences which may affect people with photo sensitivities, such as epilepsy.**
Leatherbound is a self-funded, passion project that was inspired by silent cinema, a love of horror and the experience of living with a disability. Concept work started in July 2020, and shot during fall of 2023. Cast & crew are local to southern Ontario - the majority from London & surrounding area, and is a labour of love by everyone involved.