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Trapped in time. Surrounded by evil. Low on gas.

Playing at Hyland Cinema:
An extraordinary tale of success, perseverance, and enduring friendships.

Bud Boomer is leading the American invasion into Canada. Just as soon as he can find it.

Playing at Hyland Cinema:
What led to that first groundbreaking show 150 years ago?

Playing at Hyland Cinema:
The world's greatest leader is a hostage in the most dangerous place on Earth. Now only the deadliest man alive can save him.

Playing at Hyland Cinema:
In order to catch him, he must become him.

Playing at Hyland Cinema:
"As far back as I can remember, I've always wanted to be a gangster."

Let he who is without sin try to survive.

Playing at Hyland Cinema:
He walked the Camino not knowing why - but his life would be forever changed.

Playing at Hyland Cinema:
Movie Index
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