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That They May Face the Rising Sun

That They May

Face the

Rising Sun

Opening April 18th!

Joe and Kate Ruttledge have returned from London to live and work among the small, close-knit community near to where Joe grew up. Now deeply embedded in life around the lake, the drama of a year in their lives and those of the memorable characters around them unfolds through the rituals of work, play and the passing seasons as this enclosed world becomes an everywhere.

That They May Face the Rising Sun Reviews:

"It is a testament to a way of life that is now largely gone and a way of honouring and remembering the daily lives of rural communities. As such, the film gives importance to the everyday moments of ordinary, mundane life." | Clotilde Chinnici - Rotten Tomatoes

"The provincial life, told in delicate movements in a script by Collins and Eamon Little, asks big questions about the nature of happiness. A half-finished garden structure is emblematic of a larger temporal standstill." | Tara Brady - Rotten Tomatoes

For more reviews CLICK HERE

Virtual cinema: 

No screenings currently scheduled.

Directed by: 
Pat Collins
Running Time: 
111 min
Ireland, United Kingdom
Barry Ward, Anna Bederke, Ruth McCabe
Screenplay by: 
Pat Collins, Eamon Little

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