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The Year is 1999...

ONE SHOW ONLY! October 22nd - 9pm!

Q & A with Cast & Crew!

Support Local Independent Canadian Film!

Cameron (Grant Campbell), is a 20 "something" Produce Manager at the local Produce Plus. Currently, living with his best friend, co-worker and noted lothario Frenchie (Jonathan Philips), they embark on a journey of self-discovery and hilarity at the turn of the 21st century.

On a routine trip to Vinyl Fantasy, Cameron's local collectibles store, he bumps into Sloan (Hailey McAra) and is immediately smitten. An awkward exchange ensues and Cameron, per usual, neglects to get any contact information. Thankfully, he has friends to pick-up his slack.

In addition to Frenchie, there is Gerry (Jason Leighfield) Produce Plus Meat Manager and lover of foul language, Goggles (Matt Ungar) side-kick and subordinate to Gerry for reasons he has yet to fully realize, O.D. (Adam M. Glass) Produce Plus employee?, who prides himself on being able to acquire anything, Cheese (Daryl McKechnie) he just really likes cheese and horses, and Jordan (Jordan Zamecnik) hip-hop super fan and owner of the biggest gold chain in Oxford County. This group propels Cameron through his journey, playing what they hoped was an elaborate prank on him that leaves Cheese injured, the group in shambles and Cameron facing his greatest enemy.

Dasher Burns Jr. (Steve Martin), professional hockey superstar and "cool guy". Along with his right hand man, Bro Brodowski (Lance McKenzie) Dasher super-fan with a mean right hook.  They inadvertently get involved in Cameron's life and proceed to ruin it in with a smile on their face.

Y2Kameron is a comedy of Canadian proportions!

Virtual cinema: 

No screenings currently scheduled.

Directed by: 
Adam M. Glass
Running Time: 
90 min
Grant Campbell, Jonathan Philips & Hailey McAra
Screenplay by: 
Adam M. Glass

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